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Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

HCKC Trip Planning and Management Clinic for Trip Sponsors

  • January 23, 2020 11:51 AM
    Message # 8660999
    Deleted user

    HCKC Trip Planning and Management Clinic for Trip Sponsors –
    Sunday, February 9, 2020, 1 p.m. to 5:00 pm

    We will be offering a 4-hour Trip Planning and Management Clinic for HCKC trip sponsors from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. on Sunday, February 9th.  Throughout the class, we will emphasize the steps that you should follow to have a safe and fun trip.

    Who should come - This class is intended for HCKC paddlers who would like to sponsor HCKC-club events or to plan their own personal paddling adventures.  New or proven HCKC trip sponsors are encouraged to come and share their ideas and experiences. 

    Paddlers from the Whitewater, Sea Kayak, and Canoe/Kayak fleets are all encouraged to attend.

    What we’ll cover -

    • Scheduling your trip
    • Researching where you want to go and when would be a good time to go there
    • Letting other people know about your trip
    • Setting up an “event” for your trip in the HCKC club calendar.  This will explain to you the registration options available to you through the club’s web software.
    • Steps that you should take in the week or two before a trip.  In this phase, you monitor the weather/water conditions, make sure that you have all of the skills and gear necessary for a safe paddle, and send a note to your participants with expected conditions and any last minute details.
    • Running the trip.  This will include:
    • Planning and running the shuttle (if required)
    • The on-shore meeting before you launch
    • On-Water management – Safety is critical here, this section walks through launching the group and managing the group of paddlers on the water.

    We will provide soft drinks for the class.

    Location:   Spohn Associates Headquarters, 7150 Winston Drive, Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN, Indianapolis, IN, 46268

    How to Register: 
    You may: 1) go to the HCKC Calendar Page for this event at ( and click ”Register” in the left-hand column of this page, or 2) send an e-mail to Jim Sprandel (

Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

Background image provided by Karl Zemlin

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