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Eagle Creek Clean-Up

  • September 30, 2017
  • 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM
  • Canoe/Kayak Ramp, Eagle Creek Park, Indianapolis, IN


Registration is closed

We will have a shoreline cleanup of Eagle Creek on Saturday, September 30th.  This is an opportunity to pay back one of our local partners and one of Indianapolis’s premier paddling resources by cleaning up the shores of Eagle Creek reservoir. 

  • When: Saturday, September 30th, 10 a.m  (Ready to Launch) until 1:00 pm
  • Where:  Eagle Creek Park, Canoe and Kayak put-in at the southwest end of the Discovery Center Parking Lot (next to Go Ape)
  • What to Bring:  Snacks, water, gloves, hat, good water shoes, sunscreen, bug spray, and your canoe or kayak. Trash bags and some trash grabber thingies will be provided.   You might bring a knife for cutting fishing line.
  • Park Entry:  This event has been added to the park calendar.  When entering the park, please tell the person at the entrance that you are a HCKC member here for the shoreline clean up. 

We'll plan to work until early afternoon or until we run out of trash to pick up.  Plan to stay for all or part of the clean-up, and we often go out of lunch afterwards.

For all the club members who have enjoyed getting into the park using the HCKC park pass on Tuesdays, this clean-up is part of the price for that privilege.  The club is committed to work 100 volunteer hours for the park in 2017.  The HCKC gets volunteer hours for safety boating during the park's popular moonlight and sunset paddles run by the Eagle Creek Outfitters, and for clean-ups during the year.   We'd like to thank those who have safety boated or already helped with park clean-ups.

Side note:  On a warm July day, two HCKC members got to do some impromptu safety boating when they noticed two swimmers struggling to make progress towards shore while towing a swamped tandem kayak.   Fortunately, the swimmers were not panicked, had retained both paddles, ziplock bag with electronics, and were wearing life jackets.  Minutes later, tandem drained and floating, bilge pump (point of discussion) used to get even more water out, and two paddlers  back in the boat, and once again on their way!

Questions?   E-mail Kellie Kaneshiro (

Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

Background image provided by Karl Zemlin

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