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December Skipper's Note

December 21, 2020 9:14 PM | Dwayne S James (Administrator)


Annual Meeting 

We had a zoom meeting attended by approximately 25 people on December 9, 2020. Elections were held. I am told the vote was unanimous. See a list of the newly elected Officers and Board in this newsletter. Congratulations to all.

Upcoming events: January 1 New Years Day Paddle and a Trips Planning Meeting. You should have received an email from your group leader asking for ideas and volunteers to lead trips for the whitewater, sea kayak and flatwater groups. If not, look on the facebook page. Or send your trip idea and date to your group leader.

If you wish to sponsor a trip but do not feel comfortable doing so, contact an experienced trip leader and ask for help. It is not difficult.

Dwayne James, writing in lieu of Your Skipper, Toni Harris

Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

Background image provided by Karl Zemlin

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