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Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

From the Skipper - April 17, 2017 Newsletter

April 17, 2017 8:39 PM | Deleted user

I hope you all got to enjoy a spring paddle or two so far this year. With its warm temperatures warming up the water more every day, May brings us the unoffi-cial start of summer and even more paddling trips! 

As we get deeper into the paddling season, remember to share your experiences with the club. The news-letter is only as interesting as you are, so be sure to submit trip announcements, trip reports, photos, even articles that offer tips or your favorite campfire recipe. Submissions can be made to Dwayne James at  - Thank you, Dwayne, for keeping us informed every month!  

Remember, although no trip announcements appear in the newsletter, we have various trips scheduled which can be found on our calendar. For example: Big Walnut Creek on April 29, the Muscatatuck Rendezvous May 6/7, and a trip sponsored by Muskrat on Wildcat Creek on 5/27.

Even more exciting than reading our newsletter is reading about the prospect of a year-round paddling destination in our newsletter! The city of Columbus in Indiana is researching that very idea for their riverfront, with a white-water park on the table of ideas. Be sure to check out the article in this month’s newsletter for more details and how you can make this dream a reality!

Hope to see you all on the water!


Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

Background image provided by Karl Zemlin

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