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Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

From the Skipper - February 22 Newsletter

February 23, 2017 1:40 AM | Deleted user

All went well and our paddlers are safely home from the rapids of the White Nile in Uganda. Checkout some of their pictures on the unofficial HCKC Facebook page

Be sure to check out the list of trips in our various trip schedules for 2017 on our Event page.  A preliminary trip summary is included on Pages 7 and 8 of the February 22 newsletter.  

And remember, you can join in on some trips even if you are not a member. Contact the trip leader for details and come have some fun with us. We let you try us out before you buy. 

By now you should be seeing this on the new Hoosier Canoe and Kayak Club website.  Please provide feedback on what you like or on needed improvements. Hope to see you all on the water at some point in 2017!

(Excerpted from the February 22 Newsletter)

Hoosier Canoe & Kayak Club

Background image provided by Karl Zemlin

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